WE are a nation of animal lovers.

Our pets are really part of the family. We can get as attached to an animal as we do with other people.

There has never been a time in our house when we haven’t had a dog.

Over the years I’ve cared for various guinea pigs, rabbits, rats and hamsters.

But until recently I had avoided having to be involved with the sad task of taking an animal to the vets.

Two years ago I bought two rats that I solely cared for.

I called them Otis and Captain Spaulding, after two of my favourite horror film characters.

Sadly Spaulding died six months ago, but I take solace in the fact he died peacefully in his sleep.

Two years old is quite old for a rat, and up until about three weeks ago Otis had managed to escape any of the ailments that are common in the little critters.

But I recently noticed he had developed what started out as small lump but rapidly grew in to what I believed to be an abscess, which the internet assured me was easily treated.

I knew a vet trip was in order, so I put Otis in his little rat carrier and plied him with treats to ensure he didn’t hate me too much.

When the vet scooped up little Otis after I announced that I had self-diagnosed him with an abscess, she took one look at the lump and said it was a tumour, and that it would only get worse, and that Otis probably had a matter of weeks to live, but that she didn’t think he was in pain.

I tried to put on a brave face.

I don’t cry. I didn’t cry at the Lion King (but instead laughed at my little sister, who did) and I didn’t cry at Gladiator.

But I couldn’t help but shed a few tears upon hearing the news my beloved Otis didn’t have long left.

But the vet was lovely and, after I apologised for “stupidly getting upset”, she said something that stayed with me.

She said that she “admired” anyone who showed so much love for such a small creature.

It’s always upsetting when a pet dies, no matter how big or small they are, and even though people often ask me how I can get attached to something so small – especially a rat – they all deserve love and a caring home where they will be looked after.

Anyway, rats make the best pets.