SIR – I note that many people do not wish the Velo cycle ride to happen again in Worcestershire. There are sharply divided opinions on the matter, and I have been closely involved this year, and will be concerning its possible extension.

One point should be clarified, however; CSM, the organisers, are a profit-making company, but they have been contracted by Birmingham City Council to run the event. In that respect, their desire to cover their costs and turn a profit is quite irrelevant. We contract with numerous commercial organisations in this county to provide services in a similar fashion.

It is perfectly legitimate, however, to conclude that the disruption and commercial loss for certain people and businesses is not justified by the participants’ and spectators’ enjoyment of the event, and whatever benefit to the local economy that might result. It is precisely that balance of plusses and minuses that will debated by those making the decision about 2018.

Cllr Dr Ken Pollock

Worcestershire County Council