A HEREFORD road is to be closed for 11 days this month.

Winston Road, which links Holme Lacy Road and Hoarwithy Road, will be shut from May 7.

This is due to tree works taking place in the road. 


A public noticed issued by Herefordshire Council reads: "Notice is hereby given that Herefordshire Council, as highway authority, have, under its relevant powers, to temporarily prohibit the use by vehicles on the U82313, Winston Road, Hereford. 

"The alternative route for those affected by the proposal is via Manor Road onto Aconbury Avenue, onto Winston Road and vice versa.

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"The said work is required due to tree works and the likelihood of danger to the public while the works are taking place."

Another road in the county that will be closed on May 7 is Church Road North in Brampton Abbotts, near Ross-on-Wye. 

The closure will from the village hall, outside Pipers Ridge, and is due to ducting works taking place.