INTEREST AND LEISURE CLUB: It was a wet and windy journey on the coach to Bath but eventually the sun did come out in the afternoon although it was still cold. Members went their various ways, some to shop some to the fascinating Costume Museum (based on the collection of Mrs Doris Langley Moore) and seeing as well the elegant Assembly Rooms completed by John Wood the Younger in 1771. Postmaster Ralph Allen was responsible for the building of Georgian Bath, the stone came from his quarries in Coombe Down. Bath Abbey is sometimes called the Lantern of the West because of its clear glass windows of the nave and choir. Some famous names connected with the city are Smollett, Fielding, Jane Austen and Dickens. The spectacular Roman Baths and museum are in the city centre and really worth a visit. Despite the weather everyone enjoyed the day and warmly thanked Barbara and Dudley Smith and the driver for arranging it.

RAIL AND BUS WALK: Today (Thursday) there is a walk around Broad Campden going to Mickleton. The bus leaves Moreton station at 10.35am and returns there at 4.22pm. Distance is 6 miles and duration 5 hours with a stop at a suitable hostelry en route.

ART SALE: Moreton Art Group hold their annual one day sale of unframed original paintings in the Redesdale Hall on Saturday between 10am and 4pm. Home made mince pies and coffee available for 50p. A donation from the event will be made to Friends of Moreton Hospital.