Our Annual General Meeting was held on January 21 at Peopleton Village Hall where over 40 members attended. Our President Ann Nicholas chaired the meeting.

Treasurers Report was given by Debby Rowley, a committee was elected with two new members, a very welcome addition to our club. Pershore Flower Club have had a very successful 50th year with a Birthday Dinner, outing to Roy Strong’s Garden and our Open Meeting at No.8 in November 2014 when more than 180 tickets were sold.

The 51st year commenced with a fish and chip supper and quiz. Thanks to Alwyn Stanley for organising raffle prizes and Rachael Bouchard for a Christmas quiz.

It would appear that this was to be the last meeting in Peopleton Village Hall, something we had not been told in advance so the committee did a brilliant job to make a successful evening under the circumstances.

Pershore Flower Club now need to find a new home, this is a situation we did not expect and we are very sad about the lack of consideration to our club in this matter.

The committee will write to all current and past members when our new home has been found and confirmed. We apologise to members about this situation, which is beyond our control, and trust you will understand and rest assured we will meet again very soon. We will also keep you informed through the press and you can always ring me on 01386 462430.