LACKING a rant of the week or humourous anecdote at our meeting on July 30, it was straight into fellow-member Cliff Blackborrow being inquisitive – or just plain nosey as one unkind soul muttered!

Cliff began by explaining that as a fairly new member, he knew relatively little about the background and experiences of the rest of us. He suggested that he might not be the only one in this position, to which a number of us newer members agreed wholeheartedly.

He then asked us to form groups of six, with each individual having ten minutes of fame, or infamy. And after a somewhat hesitant start, it was amazing how some little known facts of each of us were revealed.

It rapidly became apparent what a diverse group we are, from very different backgrounds and with vastly different careers and all well educated. Perhaps not surprisingly, there was hardly any mention of families and relatives, and no moaning whatsoever. And it was even more surprising that Bob apparently couldn’t get a word in edgeways!

At the end of the hour, we agreed that this had been a really good idea and Brian Melville thanked Cliff for the inspiration. We also suggested that this might be a good fall-back if one of our guest speakers failed to arrive.

Next week, on August 6, we shall learn about Bee-keeping followed a week later by a presentation intriguingly entitled “Ladies who swing”. I’ve no idea what that might entail and if any non-members are equally intrigued, just turn up at the Evesham Boathouse at 10am on Thursday, August 13.