All WI’s have members with incredible skills and talents and Pebworth & District is no exception. Our meeting in June was organised by Fran Geering and Elizabeth Puddick, members of the sewing group who demonstrated the skill needed to produce beautiful quilts and the talent to use colour and shapes in imaginative ways. The more traditional quilts using geometric shapes were exquisite and Vivienne showed us her work using swirls and circles, a feast of colour and texture ! Members were then patiently instructed on how to make a patchwork pincushion. This proved to many that even this simple task was beyond us and made us admire the quilting skills even more !

14 members had taken a delightful “Saunter in the City” in Birmingham on the hottest day in the year & were reminded of the outing to the National Memorial Arboretum in August, to order their WI diaries and calendars and to sign up for the celebrity lunch and science lecture organised by the county federation. An exhibition of TV and film costumes staged in Worcester Cathedral Chapter House and curated by local resident Debbie Greenwell throughout August was advertised and volunteers were requested to join the committee in running the refreshment stop in the village hall for Action Medical Research charity bike-ride at the end of the month. Even though we have no meeting in August events will continue through the summer with “Knit and Natter”, textile workshops and outings.