There is no doubt that delightfully modest, London Savoy trained fellow Guido Amadio at the Railway Inn at Defford, creator of the monthly Pershore Probus Club Luncheons, does the Probus Club of Pershore proud.

Every Monday morning (Bank Holidays apart) neatly wrapped in smiles and patience he gives us some of the best coffee for miles around – the sort that wakes you up without tearing your throat out – it takes an Italian born to perfect that art.

And then we are led by one erudite member or another into his subject of the day – recently we have refought the battles of Trasimene and Cannae with a passing reference that of Zama too; and then, for afters as it were, the following Monday we were fed on the history of the Aberdeen herring industry through the ages which was, suitably enough, delivered in fine Scots accents. After that we retire to the bar and while quenching thirsts discuss the day’s talk or the problems of the world!

We can never be quite sure just what the next speaker will spring on us and often they simply refuse to tell in advance – we have walked the Cotswolds and the south coast paths; we have learned to become very nearly friendly inclined to both King John and Oliver Cromwell with a wealth of enthusiastic persuasive detail, and were suitably scared by our economist who was once revelatory on the subject to the nude in ancient classical art but this time delivered a carefully balanced (no sides allowed to be taken) examination of what Brexit really is and where it came from and how, and what’s likely to happen next. And in the last year we have found out why The Spirit of Free Enterprise went down so tragically and just what the Four and a Halfth Crusade was all about, and what happened to those who managed to take their National Service in the Royal Navy.

We may not become sages or savants as a result of all this education, but not only does it comfortably fill in some seldom used grey cells, but it also enables us to argue the hind leg off any particular donkey fate sees fit to put before us.

But back to our diet – Christmas Luncheon (please note the essential capital letters) held on December 19 (nice and close to the great day) consisted of a choice of most of the roasts known to man flanked by a beautiful salmon and accompanied by at least five different homemade sauces and masses of lovely fresh vegetables and at least five kinds of potatoes, and free wine all round.

All preceded by melon and Parma ham and prawns and dressing and followed by a sweet trolley groaning with goodies.

We have a luncheon here every month to which our ladies (including the widows of departed members) are always invited. They are always entertaining occasions – to catch up on any good local gossip or renew old friendships – and the chaps as usual can congregate in the bar as they do every Monday to discuss the day’s speaker or the world in general.

If you feel like some regular good company in your retirement, allied to many interesting subjects, get hold of our Secretary Mike Baines (01386 860001) of the Probus Club of Pershore who will be very happy to fill you in on the details of our membership.