MOST patients are not in hospital these days long enough perhaps for them to complain. I spent four unexpected weeks in the Alexandra Hospital in Redditch and lost weight as a result of the appalling food.

I came out with a special prescription for fortified milk nutrients because I was in such poor condition.

After a few weeks of home food I was soon recovering some of my normal health.

I am convinced that if such appalling food and continual unimaginative menus were served in a prison there would undoubtedly be riots.

I was asked, on one occasion, what I would like after complaining to the doctors and I told them steak, chips and fried sliced tomatoes would be nice. jokingly.

To my surprise a plate of steak, chips and tomato was ceremonially brought to my bed the next day.

Unfortunately and embarrassingly, the steak was too tough to cut and impossible to chew, the chips were undercooked, the tomato was not sliced and fried in the juices but merely cut in half and hard.

Douglas Wathan
