MY apologies to Jean Rogers for getting her name wrong in my response to her letter about Coffee#1 (January 29).

While there are differing views on the impact of this particular venue on our High Street, all of us share a desire to give small businesses every opportunity to thrive.

One of the biggest threats to that is the ability of global companies to avoid paying tax by clever accounting, giving them an unfair advantage over small businesses.

That is why I am supporting the Tax Dodging Bill, which aims to close loopholes that lose the UK at least £3.6bn a year (and deprive developing countries of over £3bn of income that would reduce their reliance on aid).

For more information go to

The upcoming election means parliamentary candidates will be keen to show support for popular issues.

Let's make sure this bill is in the front of their minds and get them to commit support for this bill.

Lindsey Stone
