WE hear that Pershore's Tory councillors on Wychavon District Council, distressed at the reaction to their abandonment of those living on or near Station Road as we face ever-increasing traffic in the coming years, are door-knocking to say, in effect: “It's not our fault, look at the minutes”.

But, the plans for 800 or so houses, which will increase the population of the town by some 25 per cent ,were first laid out some two years ago.

When concern was expressed, I believe Cllr Val Wood herself, in these very pages, sought to reassure by saying that all would be taken into account in planning.

So why wasn't it?

It is no good saying now that there was no submission for an extra relief road at outline planning. Were not our Pershore councillors discussing the needs of our town with their Tory colleagues at the county council?

Theirs is the power, theirs is the responsibility, theirs is the blame.

PS Have others noticed the traffic meters? Installed across Pershore's roads at the start of the Easter holiday, just when school-based traffic is at its lowest!

David Bridgewater
