WE read that Colin Tether, chairman of the Vale of Evesham Civic Society, is going to serve on Evesham Town Council.

Good news: we will soon have enough town councillors who really care about the town to start taking the tough decisions that will make a difference.

We have a town plan produced with blood, sweat and tears by a group of volunteers (including Colin Tether) who want to make Evesham proud of itself again.

It is amazing that we have so many concerned and committed people who care enough to give their time, energies and skills to reshape this town for its people in the face of overpowering apathy and the rule of (what Sandy Cochrane called the Abominable ‘No’ Men.

Are they ready to take it a stage further?

The town plan is advisory; what we need now are neighbourhood plans that will be backed-up with legal force, a preservation order on Evesham’s incomparable historic heart and some sensible measures to capitalise on what makes Evesham different.

The town is growing. How do we make the most of this opportunity?

With the civic society now represented on the town council I think that we might have made a start.

Simon Blunt
