Green-hearted Pershore residents came together to show their love at a special event in Pershore Abbey Park.

People were encouraged to show their love on St Valentine's Day for animals, places, people near and far, and yet to be born, who will be affected by climate change.

Passers-by and community groups wrote their thoughts on green hearts and added their ideas about how they are going to help the environment.

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More than 250 contributions from individuals and groups such as Sea Cadets, Mothers’ Union, the wool shop Yarn and Good Company, Riverside Youth Centre, schools and churches were on display and are now in Pershore Abbey until the end of the month.

Spokesman Helen Oldham said: "Drop in to see this heart-warming display of concerns and actions, including shutting the fridge door, walking instead of driving, using washable nappies, avoiding plastic and buying less, planting trees and wild flowers, buying locally grown food, campaigning for footpaths and green spaces, and installing a ground source heat pump to heat a house.

"You are very welcome to add to this display of community voices."