SIR – You wrote about “gangs of teens” jumping off Powick New Bridge and about risks of them getting hurt.

But let’s ask ourselves a few questions:

Are they hunched over screens?

Are they sitting on their backsides, eating?

Are they too wimpish to try a new experience?

Is there antisocial behaviour?

Are gangs of bored “teens” roaming the streets?

“No”, to the above.

Are they assessing risks to swim and dive safely?

Are they having fun in a completely natural environment?

Are they challenging themselves?

Are they learning to socialise (not anti)?

Have generations of people dived here before (I know of no incident)?

“Yes” to these questions.

Don’t we want our young people to stand up for themselves, be confident, be fit and to respect the environment.

We will ask them to work hard for us, defend us, care for us and govern us.

Let them dive. Let it be a regular occurrence. Why are the police involved in this?

Let’s not turn our teenagers into snowflakes!

