FLYING Ant Day may soon be upon us with the current heatwave providing the perfect conditions for the insects.

While there is no specific date for Flying Ant Day, the current hot temperatures provide the perfect environment for them to swarm.

They have been spotted in one Worcestershire garden already and a Worcestershire Wildlife Trust expert said we could be ready to see more.

Nick Packham, WWT senior engagement officer, explained: "Flying Ant Day is largely a myth as one flying ant colony could take to the skies on a completely different day to a colony in the garden next door.

"Ant colonies fly when the new Queens have developed, when it’s warm and when there is little wind.

"Flying ants are most active when it is warm weather, but crucially when there is very little wind speed as the ants aren’t great flyers.

"The Flying ants are usually new queens that fly off to start other nests.

"It’s possible for flying ants to be active this week, but it can really be anytime between June and August."

Earlier this month, so many flying ants swarmed over London they were picked up by the Met Office radar.



Mr Packham added: "Ants often nest in loose soils where they can dig multiple tunnels to support the colony.

"Ants are great for the environment as they eat lots of other pests and insects to help keep a balance of wildlife in places like parks and gardens.

"Your best bet if you find flying ants swarming is to leave them alone as it’s likely they will only be flying for a day or so as the flying ants in each nest will only be flying for a short period of time."

An amber weather warning for extreme heat was issued by The Met Office for the region this week.

It was due to end on Thursday evening.