Fifteen years after claiming the life of a judge, flood waters in a Pershore road are still proving dangerous for motorists.

A man in his 30s had to be rescued by firefighters yesterday after becoming trapped in flood water in Walcot Lane.

His car was stuck in a ford made impassable by days of heavy rain brought by storms Dudley and Eunice.

A spokesman for Hereford & Worcester Fire and Rescue Service said crews from Pershore, Upton and Evesham, Water First responder teams from Pershore and Upton and a drone from Ledbury Fire Station were all called to the incident.

He said the man was rescued safe and well, and was taken home by the AA.

When flooding hit Worcestershire in 2007, it ended in tragedy for the family of county court judge Eric Dickinson.

A search was launched for the 68-year-old after he phoned his wife to say his car was being swept away by flood waters.

Police divers eventually found his car submerged in Walcot Lane with his body inside.

Pictures of Sunday’s incident were captured by flood cameras and shared on social media, with Twitter users quick to condemn drivers for attempting to drive in flood waters.

Emergency services and highways authorities have all been warning motorists not to drive through flood water, as it is hard to judge the depth of it and it may contain all sorts of hidden dangers.

Walcot Lane is far from the only road to be affected by flood waters, with flood warnings out for much of Worcestershire as river levels continue to rise.