Sewage works could be getting in the way of a public footpath in Evesham.

Councillor Robert Hale raised the concern at a recent Town Council meeting.

He believes that Hampton Sewage Works, on Red Lane, partially blocks a public right of way.

Speaking after the meeting, he said: “Hampton Sewage Works actually obstructs a part of footpath EV600.

“Enabling cycling, walking and active travel is currently a hot topic locally and nationally.

“From their literature, I believe that Severn Trent are anxious to show their social conscience, what better way than to encourage and enable the long-proposed cycle path from Evesham to Pershore that should use EV600 as part of its route?”

Severn Trent spokesperson Andrew Fairburn was also in attendance at the Town Council meeting on Monday, March 14.

He has since said that they will be looking into the situation.

Mr Fairburn said: “Our property team is liaising with the County to get to the bottom of the situation.”