A SCHOOL uniform shop has U-turned on its decision to go cashless.

The School Shop, on High Street, has confirmed it will start accepting cash again.

Their initial decision to only accept card payments was met with opposition from people in Evesham.

After seeing the backlash, the shop overturned the decision saying: “Apologies for the frustrations caused, we are trying every way to keep the additional expenditure down with the hike in expenses we are experiencing.”

The shop added that card payment is still preferred and explained there were three main reasons for going cashless.

The decision was made as a result of three recent attempted break-ins, as well as an increase in insurance costs to cover cash on-site and a “huge” hike in fees when depositing cash into a business bank account.

Mother-of-three Sara George published the post which sparked the discussion on a “Spotted Evesham” Facebook page earlier this week.

 In less than 24 hours, the post has received more than 220 comments.

Mrs George, who has children at Swan Lane, St Egwins and Prince Henry’s, has welcomed the U-turn.

She said: “It’s great news they have changed their mind.

“I know more and more people are using cashless but there should always be a choice to pay by cash.

“Paying by cash is a much better way for people to manage their own money.

“It’s a better way to help our children learn about money.

“If we go cashless how do children earn their pocket money from parents and grandparents- they don’t want to do a bank transfer for £1!”