THE trust which runs hospital services across the county has apologised for traffic issues outside Worcestershire Royal Hospital.

Congestion was so bad that one hospital visitor witnessed an ambulance on blue lights stuck in a long queue of traffic. 

Carla Siwicki who was visiting the hospital at 4pm on Monday (December 4) described a 'ridiculous' situation outside the hospital. 

"It's 4.30pm, sat waiting for 30 minutes so far and only moved a few metres," she told us.

"There's an ambulance on blues that physically cannot get past.

Evesham Journal: QUEUES: The queues outside Worcestershire Royal Hospital QUEUES: The queues outside Worcestershire Royal Hospital (Image: : Carla Siwicki)"Patients, visitors, staff after working a hard day, taxis, delivery drivers, ambulances all stuck.

"Too many people in local area and only one hospital with one road in and out."

Another reader flagged that more than eight ambulances were also spotted queuing outside the hospital.

Evesham Journal: WAITING: Ambulances outside Worcestershire Royal Hospital WAITING: Ambulances outside Worcestershire Royal Hospital (Image: From public)

Stephen Collman, managing director of Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust, said: “We are aware of the difficulties with congestion on the Worcestershire Royal Hospital site and apologise to staff, patients and visitors who are affected by this, particularly at peak times.

"We are committed to resolving this issue at pace and are currently exploring a number of options.

Evesham Journal: HOSPITAL: Worcestershire Royal HospitalHOSPITAL: Worcestershire Royal Hospital (Image: Sam Greenway/Newsquest)

"To limit the number of extra vehicles coming on site we are offering flexible and remote working opportunities to members of our staff who can work in that way.

"We are also trying to increase the number of telephone and video consultations for patients, which saves them having to make a journey to hospital.

“Where the late afternoon/early evening congestion is causing the most disruption, we also have members of our parking teams stationed at key pinch points around the site to help control flow of traffic more effectively.”

Evesham Journal: CARS: The car park outside Worcestershire Royal HospitalCARS: The car park outside Worcestershire Royal Hospital (Image: Sam Greenway/Newsquest)

Our story received a huge reaction from people who have also witnessed long queues of traffic at the hospital. 

Elaine Bell said: "If you’re coming out around 5pm be prepared to queue up for at least an hour - nightmare."

Dawn Scott said: "It’s a complete joke - two ambulances had their sirens on but nobody could move to let them through."

Kelly Ann Smith said: "Two hours it took me to get out the car park."

Nicki Porter said: "Took just over an hour to get out the other week. I feel for the staff who just want to go home after a long hard day."

Evesham Journal: NEW: The new emergency departmentNEW: The new emergency department (Image: Sam Greenway/Newsquest)

MP Robin Walker said: "This is something I am keen is addressed urgently and I have raised it with the trust and Worcestershire County Council - it needs to be a combined effort (to solve). 

"I campaigned hard for the new A&E that does not seem to have improved accessibility, if anything it has made it worse.

"The trust did a review on the road network - we haven't seen the outcome of that or the recommendations from it."