A festive display has been wowing visitors at Croome, where paper takes flight in the form of origami birds floating around a huge sparkling Christmas tree.

The eighteenth-century rooms in Croome Court are filled with elegant sparkle this Christmas, but it’s the huge Christmas tree surrounded by a monochrome origami bird installation, which is really mesmerising visitors with its gently moving flock of birds, swirling around the tree and taking an upwards flight through the middle of a grand three-storey stairwell.   

The installation has been inspired by the work displayed in Croome’s Thomas Bewick: Looking Closely exhibition.

Thomas Bewick, an eighteenth-century artist-engraver who revolutionised print art in Georgian England, was drawn to shapes, forms and colours in the natural world, and it’s this, along with his famous book A History of British Birds, that has inspired the team at Croome to create this magical origami bird installation.  

If you visit Croome, don’t miss the chance to ascend the grand staircase and be captivated by the festive origami birds telling the story of nature, tradition, and innovation. The origami theme continues to be beautifully woven throughout the house, with sparkling trees adorned with origami decorations and themed floristry displays that compliment the grandeur of the eighteenth-century plasterwork and fireplaces.   

Will Watson, House and Collections Manager at Croome said: “We are thrilled to see so many visitors enjoying the Christmas displays in Croome Court.  We’ve had wonderful comments about our origami birds floating up through the stairwell, with visitors saying they’ve never seen anything like it before. Many of the origami birds have been made by volunteers as well as local school children and I would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to fold a bird for us and help to bring the magic to Croome this Christmas.

"As well as this, rooms are decorated with elegant trees and floral displays which have been created by our team of volunteers. Expect monochrome meadow inspired floristry and simple elegance throughout.

"We look forward to welcoming everyone who visits and sharing Croome’s Christmas magic.”  

The Christmas displays in Croome Court are open from 11am until 4pm daily until January 5.

The whole site closes on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and re-opens on Boxing Day.