Wizz Air has paid a total of £1.2 million to UK-based passengers as compensation for cancelled flights.

The Hungarian airline re-examined 25,000 claims from the past six years after being instructed by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) in July 2023.

This action came after the CAA received several passenger complaints about Wizz Air failing to meet its legal obligations for flight cancellations after the airline rejected a number of refund claims.

Evesham Journal: What are your rights, under UK law, if your flight is cancelled? Find out below.What are your rights, under UK law, if your flight is cancelled? Find out below. (Image: PA)

Wizz Air UK-based passengers receive share of £1.2 million for cancelled flights 

Wizz Air reviewed all claims it received for money owed to cover the cost of replacement flights, transfers between airports, and assistance such as hotels, for people who booked flights to or from the UK from March 18 2022.

Customers could also request that claims for flights before that date were also reopened, as long as the scheduled travel date was within the previous six years.

Of the 25,000 claims it received, additional payments for flight disruptions were made in around 6000 of the cases, resulting in a payout of £1.2 million. 

CAA consumer director Paul Smith said: “This is good news for passengers and our concerns have been validated by the outcome of our actions.

“While we welcome the steps taken by Wizz Air after falling short in its treatment of disrupted passengers, airlines should routinely look after passengers and uphold their rights when flights are delayed and cancelled.

“Passengers have every right to expect their claims to be resolved quickly, efficiently and in line with the regulations. These outcomes will now provide Wizz Air’s passengers with a better experience.”

Evesham Journal: Wizz Air paid £1.2 million to passengers for cancelled/disrupted flights in the past six years.Wizz Air paid £1.2 million to passengers for cancelled/disrupted flights in the past six years. (Image: PA)

Wizz Air UK managing director Marion Geoffroy said: “Like all airlines in Europe, we faced unprecedented operating challenges in the summer of 2022 but the improvements we put in place have led to a better customer experience, and our performance in 2023 was among the strongest in the industry.

“We are seeing a significant uptick in our customer satisfaction scores and we remain fully committed to continuing to improve our operations in 2024 and beyond.”

Wizz Air was found by consumer watchdog Which? to be the worst airline for UK flight delays in 2021 and 2022.

When are passengers entitled to compensation when a flight is cancelled?

If a flight is cancelled and the cancellation is covered by UK law, according to the CAA, the airline must let passengers choose one of two options: 

  • Receive a refund
  • Choose alternative flight

Under UK law airlines must also provide passengers with care and assistance if their flight is cancelled, according to the CAA.

In the case of a cancellation, airlines must provide passengers with: 

  • A reasonable amount of food and drink
  • A means for you to communicate
  • Accommodation, if you are re-routed the next day
  • Transport to and from the accommodation

The CAA added: "The airline must provide you with these items until it is able to fly you to your destination, no matter how long the delay lasts or what has caused it."

You may also be entitled to claim up to £520 in compensation if you receive less than 14 days' notice.


The CAA said: "This depends on what caused the cancellation – if it wasn’t the airline’s fault, don’t expect to receive any compensation.

"Disruptions caused by things like extreme weather, airport or air traffic control employee strikes or other ‘extraordinary circumstances’ are not eligible for compensation."

For more details and/or to make a claim about a cancelled flight visit the CAA website.