SIR, I was interested to read Mayor Booth’s views on pavement parking.

He says, correctly, that the situation is particularly bad on Port Street.

The point here though is that there should be no parking at all during the day on Port Street on the pavement or not.

The acceptance of such low level offending is rife.

Abuse of disabled parking spaces, litter dropping, thoughtless cycling on pavements and e-scooters are just a few of which Evesham (and elsewhere) suffers.

Once such low-level offending becomes acceptable, as it seems to have done, then things will inevitably move to the next level and the current shoplifting epidemic and increasing abuse of shop assistants are cases in point.

Once things start to slide it is very difficult indeed to reverse the trend.

I wish Mayor Booth and the police the best of luck, they are going to need it.

David Crook


SIR, Our capital city has banned parking on pavements for years.

Scotland’s capital of Edinburgh has recently followed and a report from an association of local councils has recommended that similar bans should be introduced in towns and cities throughout the country.

Last week’s Journal reported Evesham Town Council calling for action against the serious safety hazards caused for pedestrians which particularly affect the elderly, the less mobile and those with pushchairs who are often forced to walk into a busy road.

Perhaps the time has come for the introduction of a similar ban in the three Wychavon towns of Pershore, Evesham and Droitwich.

Julian Palfrey


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