A PUB in Worcestershire has re-opened just 12 hours after being flooded in five to six inches of water due to a pump fault.

The Swan Hotel Pub in Upton-Upon-Severn was left submerged in flood water following a pump issue along the Waterside road.

The problem, which occurred at the Boat House Restaurant, caused water to flood the entire pub - leaving it no choice but to close.

It was later found that the pump had suffered a cut which had exasperated the issue. 

Evesham Journal: The scene that greeted staff of the Swan Hotel pub on Saturday morning (March 30)The scene that greeted staff of the Swan Hotel pub on Saturday morning (March 30) (Image: Martin Allen)

Landlord of the Swan Hotel, Luke Sturman, anticipated the pub would be shut for the foreseeable future due to the big clean up operation that would need to take place.

"We are close to losing a substantial sum because of this" he said. 

"Staff will lose hours as well so it both the business and livelihoods are affected." 

But just 12 hours after, the pub was back open for business.

"We are open, 12 hours after flooding" they posted on its Facebook page.

"Nothing stops The Swan Hotel.

"After the amazing contribution of locals, our staff and especially to Rick Bailey from Water Rescue UK and Martin Allen for the massive support given!"