The chairman of Wychavon joined school children in planting some of the district's newest woodland.

The school children, from Upton Snodsbury First School, partnered with Cllr Robert Raphael during one of the planting sessions of the district's newest woodland.

Wychavon District Council's newest woodland comes as part of Worcestershire County Council's efforts to plant 150,000 trees across the county by 2027.



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As part of these efforts, over the winter the council, with support from community volunteers, has planted 6,000 trees in an 11-hectare site off the A422.

The woodland will feature a total of 16,000 trees along with a community orchard upon completion.

An additional woodland is also planned to be planted in Wychavon in Dodderhill parish near Droitwich Spa.

Cllr Raphael and district councillor Linda Robinson participated in the effort, which was marked as a component of the chairman's anniversary tour, commemorating 50 years of the Wychavon District.

The tour also included a visit to nearby Stoulton woodland, known as the Millennium Wood.

Over 23,000 trees were planted on the 11-hectare site in 2001 to mark the new millenium, before another three were planted in the neighbouring Jubilee Wood in 2012 to mark Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee.

Cllr Raphael said: "It was fantastic to see the enthusiasm of the pupils taking part in the tree planting in Upton Snodsbury and to know they will be able to go back in years to come and see how the trees they planted have grown".

Councillor Emma Stokes, cabinet member for the environment, at the council said: "We’ve made great progress as we’ve begun tree planting at our Upton Snodsbury site and I look forward to this continuing.

"Our tree planting sites have been designed to have the community at their hearts so it’s really pleasing to hear of our local school children getting involved right at the start of the project.”