TWO police officers are on the march to raise £6,000 to support charity.

Police Constable Chris Fowler and Police Sergeant Rob Seewoosaha will be trekking over the Malvern Hills in their free time wearing full protective uniform and kit in aid of the Emergency Services Aid Charity.

In September, PC Fowler and PS Seewoosaha, better known as Chris and Swoosh, will use their own leave to join others, mainly from ‘blue light’ backgrounds, as they transport disused ambulances and fire engines through Spain, over the Mediterranean and down the west side of Africa to The Gambia.

The transport will then be handed over for use by the people living there.

But first the West Mercia Police duo each need to raise £3,000 which goes towards the purchase of the vehicles, their maintenance, fuel and upkeep with the walk covering more than 10 miles on Monday, June 24.

PS Seewoosaha said: “This will be hard and most definitely painful with the amount of kit that we will be carrying but it is all for a great charity which helps so many people who really need the support.

“We are asking for people to assist us in raising money for our chosen cause and for us to reach our milestone with any money they can spare.

“Thank you to everyone who has supported us so far!”

To raise the money, they have also so far completed a pub quiz at Worcester’s The Arch Rivals and secured sponsorship from Mosu Hair in the city.

The walk in June will see the fundraising friends heading from the most southern point of the Malvern Hills to the most northern point, tackling each individual hill.

To make the task even more challenging, PC Fowler, an authorised firearms officer, and PS Seewoosaha, a police support unit trained sergeant, will both be wearing their heavy workwear, minus the firearms, thanks to permission from Temporary Chief Constable Alex Murray.

Mr Murray said: “I’m delighted to support Chris and Swoosh in their fantastic fundraising campaign which ultimately supports people in parts of the world who will truly reap the benefits of these disused emergency vehicles.

“Their actions will really make a difference towards the efforts of this important charity and its global mission.”

Their journey overseas during Operation Zephyr in September will take around two-and-a-half weeks where they will travel from the south coast of the United Kingdom, board a ferry to northern Spain, drive to the south and cross the Strait of Gibraltar.

From there, they will head down the west coast of the African continent through Morocco, Western Sahara, Mauritania, Senegal and then into The Gambia.

To support the fundraiser, visit