At the October meeting John Jenkins talked about the work he had carried out for International charity called ‘Tools for Self Reliance’. In 1991 John Jenkinson had been inspired to become a volunteer by two ladies from Hailes Abbey, who had sent hundreds of old tools to Africa. Old tools are collected, cleaned and repaired and then shipped out to third wold countries, where training is given on how to use them. The aim of the work is to give skills and a trade to the people to make them self sufficient. Afterwards, many members were keen to find out where they could send their old tools to help this charity.

On October 20, thirty members went on a trip to Swindon village outlet and railway museum. On November 3, John Jenkins provided a ‘flowery’ quiz with twenty questions keeping members amused and busy.

The New Year lunch is on January 6. Those who wish to attend are asked to pay when signed up.