PEOPLE who have been advised to shield because of Covid-19 may be confused about changes to the rules that mean some people in this category are now being advised that they can go out once a day and meet with one person whilst exercising social distancing.

It is important that this is done outside as the risk of transmission of Covid-19 is much less outdoors than it is inside.

But some people who are at particular risk are advised to continue to self isolate.

The advise is that these will include people that have:

◾Solid organ transplant recipients

◾Some people with cancer who are undergoing treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy

◾People on immunosuppression drugs

◾Women who are pregnant and have heart disease

◾People with severe respiratory conditions - cystic fibrosis, severe asthma and COPD

◾Some people with rare diseases such as severe combined immunodeficiency

Whilst the virus is especially dangerous for older people there are a large number, estimated at 90,000, including children who should continue to self isolate.

Anyone in the highest risk category who has not yet received a letter from the NHS or been contacted by their doctor should get in touch with their GP or hospital doctor by phone or online.

The advice for elderly people, especially those over the age of 70 are advised to isolate and avoid unnecessary contact.

People of all ages are advised to follow social distancing guidelines when out and about. Advice is available from GPs.