STREET trading in Wychavon could be controlled in new ways at the district council is currently reviewing the way it works.

Currently street trading can take place from a static pitch or on a mobile basis.

As part of the review process, the council has published a consultation document, Controlling Street Trading in Wychavon - A Consultation, which can be downloaded from

Copies of the consultation can also be seen at the Civic Centre in Pershore and the contact centres in Evesham and Droitwich.

Alternatively, residents can call Worcestershire Regulatory Services on 01905 822799 and request a hard copy.

Councillor David Brotheridge, chairman of the licensing committee, said: "It has been nearly 25 years since we last amended the way we control street trading in the district and so it’s time for the situation to be reviewed.

"As part of this review we want to hear from anyone who might be affected by issues relating to the control of street trading including street traders, businesses that operate from established premises, town and parish councils and residents."

If you would like to respond to this consultation, please complete the relevant parts of the consultation document and return by the end of the year to either Street Trading Consultation – Wychavon, Worcestershire Regulatory Services, PO Box 866, Worcester or by email using the subject line "Street Trading Consultation – Wychavon" and send to