PLANS to change the age at which children move onto middle school in part of the Vale have taken a step forward.

Honeybourne First School Academy has decided to press forward with plans that would see the school adopt a Year 6 class.

It would mean the children didn't move onto Blackminster Middle School, or the school of their choice, until Year 7, something headteacher Lorna Button, from Blackminster, has said would be detrimental to the school.

But Elaine Huntington, headteacher at Honeybourne, said they had received overwhelming support in response to a consultation on the proposal.

"The reasons for doing so are purely educational, to improve the chances for children to do as well as they can at the end of Key Stage 2," she said. "We feel it's of benefit to our school.

"We had a massive amount of support from parents, only two no responses out of 112 families.

"We have a strong commitment to continue to work together with our cluster."

The final decision will be made by the Secretary of State for Education.

Five other first schools in the area are also consulting on the possibility of changing the admission age.

Bretforton First School, the Littletons C of E First School in South Littleton and Badsey First School will end the consultations on Friday, February 13.

Cleeve Prior First School and Offenham CE First School are also now consulting on the possibility of change. People can respond to these discussions before Friday, February 27.

For more information visit the schools websites.