A resident of a block of flats damaged by water said they are “embarrassed” to live there.

David Sadler, 39, has lived in Shawcross Walk, off Port Street in Evesham, for two years and claims the damage to the building's exterior has been there ever since.

Mr Sadler says that he and other residents have complained to Rooftop Housing, which manage the property, to no avail.

“It is a disgrace. You don’t need to get up close, you can see it from the other side of the road,” he said.

“I am embarrassed to come back to my property. I don’t even invite guests round because of that reason."

He added: “They (Rooftop) just aren’t interested. I have never been treated this way by a housing association before.

“Once I move from here, I am never going back to Rooftop.”

Peter Stewart, 83, has lived in Evesham for 45 years and feels the cleanliness of Shawcross Walk and the town in general has been neglected, prompting him to write to Rooftop demanding action.

He said: “At one time this town of our was very much cleaner but Evesham has without doubt become a very dirty town.

“One can wonder what Evesham would look like if a nuclear bomb fell on the town. It looks as if it has.”

The Royal Air Force veteran and former mace-bearer for Evesham added: “I could go on all day about the state of the town because I am seeing it going downhill rather rapidly.

“I am not alone with my opinion regarding Evesham, there is quite an army of us.”

Rooftop has responded to his email, claiming that work to clean Port Street and Shawcross Walk will be completed soon.

Lisa Nicholls, Rooftop Housing Group Housing Director said: “Rooftop and our repairs contractor Platform Property Care prioritise emergency and urgent works in our residents homes.

“With recent staff and materials shortages, some work is taking longer than normal to be carried out.

“This work will be carried out at the end of the month.

“We would like to thank everyone for their patience.”