WARNINGS have been issued over door-to-door scammers who have been pretending to be a housing provider.

Platform Housing Group have warned its customers to look out for bogus callers after reports of scammers have been going to residents' homes.

The housing provider said the scammers are pretending to work for Platform or a local housing association despite having no ties to any housing companies. 

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It has urged anyone who has concerns with an unexpected visitor to ask for identification before letting them into the house.

Platform Housing Group said all of its staff and contractors carry photo ID and, in case its customers feel unsafe, to call the police on 999.

A Platform Housing spokesperson said: "Look out for bogus callers!

"We have become aware that some customers have had bogus cold callers visiting their home, saying they work for Platform or a local housing association.

"If you have any concerns regarding an unexpected visitor, please always ask for identification before letting anyone into your home. All our staff and contractors carry photo ID.

"You can report any concerns to us on 0333 200 7304, or should you feel unsafe, please call the police on 999."