IT’S been a relatively quiet week to report. On Monday it was the promotions committee of Evesham Town Council. Among other things, we discussed the town council website and plans to have it redesigned and updated. This has been overdue now for quite some time, so I’m sure many people will be pleased to see that changes are in hand.

It was another meeting on Thursday afternoon, this time to discuss preparations for next month’s Remembrance Sunday parade and service.

Things like this may seem uninteresting, but they’re the nitty gritty of how the town’s civic life functions.

Making sure that everything runs smoothly on the day is an important part of our job.

Finally, on Sunday afternoon it was off to Pershore Abbey for the Mayor of Pershore’s civic service. Fortunately, the rain eased off as we arrived at the Abbey and then walked to the library for refreshments afterwards.

COUN MARK GOODE Mayor of Evesham