THE president, Joyce Davey, welcomed members to the AGM on October 10. Also welcomed was the WI advisor Ann Smith.

Joyce said that last month’s harvest supper had been very enjoyable. She gave details of a Christmas fair at Peopleton Village Hall today (Thursday) in aid of St Richard’s Hospice and the annual WI carol service at Worcester Cathedral on Sunday, December 8.

To celebrate the 45th anniversary of the founding of Hampton WI, cake and wine would be served at the November meeting.

That meeting would also be the last opportunity to bring items for the Shoebox Appeal.

Ann Smith then opened the annual general meeting by calling on the treasurer to give her report.

The president then gave her annual report, commenting on the strong friendships forged within the group and wishing those members who had been unwell a speedy return to good health.

There had been some very interesting and varied talks during the year and enjoyable outings to Pershore College, a guided tour of Worcester Cathedral, a look behind the scenes at the RSC in Stratford and a visit to Winterbourne House and Gardens.

In addition, there had been excellent lunches at Broadway Golf Club, in January and August, and visits to other WIs for open evenings.

Ann Smith then supervised the election of the committee members and president. As all the committee were willing to stand again and there were no new nominations, these members were elected en bloc.

Nominations were then requested for the office of president.

Mrs Davey wished to stand down and members expressed their appreciation of her contribution during the past eight years. Jill Robinson was elected as the new president.

Following the business, members were able to relax with the usual refreshments.

The next meeting will be held on Thursday, November 14, our anniversary meeting, when Pauline Smith will talk to us about fund-raising for Macmillan. Visitors are always welcome at our meetings.