JUNE is traditionally the month for Pebworth and District WI’s garden party.

Fortunately the rain held off and the sun came out for an hour – just long enough for members to enjoy the lovely garden of Barbara Woodthorpe-Browne in Broad Marston. Members have been busy recently whether it be providing Jubilee cream teas, planting flower troughs at the entrances to the village for the Pebworth in Bloom campaign, making cakes for the open gardens event, creating a banner with all members’ signatures, taking part in the ‘Let’s Get Active’ campaign and visiting Compton Verney for the impressionists exhibition.

The organisers of all these were thanked by the president, who then revealed future events which include a treasure hunt and a trip to Blenheim Palace. Members also booked for the county’s annual council meeting with guest speaker Adam Henson and for a lunch and talk by Mary Berry. To end a very well attended meeting the committee had organised an auction of surprises – although funds benefited, the aim was to enable members to get together and enjoy each other’s company.

Bidding was lively and noisy as under the hammer went afternoon tea with a butler, a round of golf, a Czech dinner, a flower arranging course with lunch, tray bakes for a charity event and garden design advice. Lesley Janowski won the competition for a perfect rose, which, despite the weather, attracted a record number of entries.