PERSHORE Ladies Guild resumed our normal format on Tuesday, September 1 at the Civic Centre. Although we didn’t meet in August, a good number of us spent an afternoon at Webbs Garden Centre doing a bit of retail therapy, finishing with Afternoon Tea which was beautifully set out and served by friendly young waitresses. I highly recommend it.

Our speaker on September 1 was Captain Forrester who looked very smart in his uniform. He talked about the bag that all pilots carry, I am sure we have all noticed it and I will now look at it in a different light. He went through the contents starting off with a banana ,then the sandwiches after explaining that the Pilot and 1st Officer must have different meals whilst flying and the reason why. He continued emptying the bag, a bit like Mary Poppins so we didn’t know what was coming out next, amongst them a tool kit and a paint brush !!! He was a very amusing speaker who was keen for interaction with the members and also gave us a few tips for those of us liable to fly in the future which I must say made us all laugh. I think we are all more enlightened on flying and the role of the Pilot.

Our next meeting is on October 6, 2pm at the Civic Centre and our speaker will be Wendy Griffiths who will talk about The British Legion.

The Guilded Lilies took part in The Plum Festival performing at The Baptist Church and are now in rehearsals for future performances.

We will be very happy to welcome new members, please come and join us