VICE president Frances Stretton chaired this month’s meeting in place of president Val Davies. After her welcoming all members and guests – which included Jane and Annie from The Attic ladies designer clothes shop in Campden – we proceeded to sing Jerusalem and kept correspondence to a minimum.

Our speaker for the evening was Celia Hargrave whose talk was entitled Being a Magistrate. She has been a magistrate for 15 years and informed us that the role dates back to 1195 when Richard I had knights who were known as Keepers of the Peace. In 1361 changes in society allowed women to hold these positions too.

The talk was most informative and enjoyed by all.

The competition entitled The Tale of your Last Brush with the Law was won by Anne Smith with Jean Bayliss second and Frances Stretton third.

Following the vote of thanks give by Becky Powell we enjoyed our supper.

Littleton ladies always provide a lovely spread and we can’t wait to see what is on the menu each month.

The next meeting is on Tuesday, April 10, at the village hall when the speaker Derek Clarke will give a talk entitled Birmingham Back to Backs.

The competition will be A Memento or Photo of your Childhood Home.