CHILDREN and staff at the Federation of Pinvin First School and St Nicholas Middle School dressed up as their favourite book characters to celebrate World Book Day.

There was an air of celebration as characters such as Mr Stink (Lewis Grubb), Gangsta Granny (Isla Caulfield), and the witch from “Room on the Broom” (Dagan Alford-Longley) were encountered in the classrooms and corridors.

Both schools selected winners for the most unique/impressive fancy dress, and these pupils each received a book token.

Collective Worship was specifically dedicated to celebrating books and reading. There was a brief book-themed quiz, following which the children were read a short story with a trust theme. Finally, the book token competition, which the organisers of World Book Day run, was launched, with the children having the chance to win £250 of National Book Tokens for the school.

During the day there was also a DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) session.