More than 200 people gathered to pay tribute to the Queen in Pershore.

The Abbey held a special service on Sunday night to honour Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

Canon Claire Lording led the service which culminated in the National Moment of Reflection at 8pm.

Trudy Burge, a spokesperson for Pershore Abbey, said: “You will see by the number of candles that we had a very full Abbey yesterday evening as over 200 people throughout the benefice and beyond joined us for our Service of Commemoration for Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. 

“It was a beautiful service of quiet and reflection led by Canon Claire during which Psalm 23 was read along with Revelation 21.1-7.

“The congregation were able to light a candle for Her Late Majesty and they were all placed on the altar table creating a glorious light of love from our community.

“The national minute of silence was observed at 8pm and the service ended with God Save the King.”

Evesham Journal:

Mrs Burge added: “We are enormously grateful to everyone who was able to join us and we very much hope that they were able to take comfort from being together as a community in our beautiful ancient abbey church.”

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Evesham Journal: Canon Claire Lording led the serviceCanon Claire Lording led the service (Image: Canon Claire Lording led the service)

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After the service, many of those who attended stayed around to sign the book of condolence and lay flowers outside at the Preaching Cross.

The service was also recorded, and those unable to attend can watch it now via YouTube.

Today, the Abbey has continued to pay tribute to the Queen, with the bells ringing a muffled peal from 9:30am, tolling up to 11am and the start of the funeral.

The Abbey will remain open until 5:30pm, while the book of condolence will be closed on Tuesday, September 20, at 5:30pm as per protocol.

Evesham Journal: Flowers were left outside the AbbeyFlowers were left outside the Abbey (Image: Flowers were left outside the Abbey)